Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are by-products of normal cellular metabolism with low to moderate amounts being beneficial in several physiological processes in the intestine. Chemotherapy and radiotherapies are largely based upon ROS generation to destroy malignant cells by inducing apoptosis…
Visceral pain is a leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting 20% of the population. Increased sensitivity to normal innocuous stimuli in the intestine is a hallmark of many organic and functional gastrointestinal disorders…
The Cochrane Gut group supports the production of high quality and methodologically rigorous reviews for a portfolio that includes upper GI, IBD and functional bowel disease topics in adults and children…
This annual session will provide DDW attendees the opportunity to hear opposing viewpoints from leading GI experts on the most challenging issues in clinical gastroenterology and hepatology, in a debate format…
This session brings Chinese speaking experts together to provide a broad overview highlighting the best of AGA programming at Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2023 for Chinese speaking audiences…
There are multiple new biologic agents that have been approved for the management of IBD over the past few years. In addition, high quality randomized controlled trials have examined optimization of these treatments through therapeutic drug monitoring…
Management of diseases of the ileo-anal pouch and perianal Crohn’s disease is challenging and involves multidisciplinary medical and surgical care. This session review the contemporary management of these complex clinical situations…
State of the art - omic methods now provide deeper insight into the biologic architecture of IBD. This session will review state of the art advances in metabolomics, transcriptomics, and epigenetics in defining the biologic basis of IBD…
The burden of IBD is rising globally. This session aims to understand the role of genetics in the development of IBD in diverse populations and define the pre-disease state in IBD. It will also explore the emerging field of multi-omics to clinically characterize IBD…
Microbiome science in the gut has focused on the study of colonic, and more frequently, fecal communities. While the upper gastrointestinal tract has significantly lower bacterial density than the colon, it still harbors a dynamic microbial community…
The role of nutrition and the microbiome is evident in IBD and functional bowel disorders. The microbiome can affect the way nutrients are metabolized in bioactive components. It is of important to understand the molecular sensors of such metabolized components…
This session highlights thecurrent FDA approved microbiome therapeutics and their applications and the exciting avenues being pursued for the next generation of microbiome therapeutics using gene editing and synthetic microbial communities…
Through the history of gut microbiome research, basic, translational, and clinical studies revealed many critical roles played by gut-resident bacteria in affecting human health and disease…