BACKGROUND: Recently, high rates of post-peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) gastroesophageal reflux disease have been reported. A novel POEM with fundoplication (POEM-F) has been described to address this issue…
BACKGROUND: There is a lack of data on training benchmarks to define competence in colorectal EMR (C-EMR) among advanced endoscopy trainees (AETs). Previous pilot data from our group demonstrated a relatively low proportion of AETs achieve competence on key cognitive and technical aspects of C-EMR…
BACKGROUND: There is a lack of data on training benchmarks to define competence in colorectal EMR (C-EMR) among advanced endoscopy trainees (AETs). Previous pilot data from our group demonstrated a relatively low proportion of AETs achieve competence on key cognitive and technical aspects of C-EMR…
BACKGROUND: Video analysis has emerged as a potentially strategy for performance assessment of specialized techniques where local expertise and mentorship are limited…
BACKGROUND: Video analysis has emerged as a potentially strategy for performance assessment of specialized techniques where local expertise and mentorship are limited…
Training in interventional endoscopy is offered by interventional endoscopy fellowship programs (IEFPs) not accredited by the ACGME. The number of these programs has increased exponentially with a concurrent increase in the breadth and complexity of these procedures…
Non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding (NVUGIB) accounts for a significant number of patient visits to emergency rooms and remains a major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. The re-bleeding rates of NVUGIB after endoscopic treatment within 72 hours have been reported to be up to 25%…
BACKGROUND: G-POEM has emerged as a treatment for medically refractory gastroparesis. Safe and effective mucosal closure is necessary to avoid potential morbidity…
BACKGROUND: G-POEM has emerged as a treatment for medically refractory gastroparesis. Safe and effective mucosal closure is necessary to avoid potential morbidity…
BACKGROUND: Hybrid endoscopic submucosal dissection (H-ESD), which incorporates ESD with endoscopic mucosal resection, has been developed and is increasingly utilized to overcome the technical complexity of conventional ESD (C-ESD)…
BACKGROUND: Endoscopic impedance planimetry (FLIP) has been used to evaluate the pyloric physiologic parameters after G-POEM for refractory gastroparesis; yet data on this technology is still limited…
BACKGROUND: Esophageal stenosis is a potential risk after endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), with incidence ranging from 70-90% among those with mucosal defects involving more than three-quarters of the circumference of the esophagus…
BACKGROUND: Esophageal epiphrenic diverticula (ED) are rare pulsion-type diverticulum in the distal esophagus that can develop in the setting of an underlying esophageal motility disorder as a result of the contractile dyscoordination between the distal esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter (LES…