BACKGROUND: Sound evidence support the effectiveness of the transoral outlet reduction (TORe) with full-thickness endoscopic suturing (FTS) or argon plasma coagulation (APC) alone to address post-RYGB weight regain…
BACKGROUND: There is a lack of data on training benchmarks to define competence in colorectal EMR (C-EMR) among advanced endoscopy trainees (AETs). Previous pilot data from our group demonstrated a relatively low proportion of AETs achieve competence on key cognitive and technical aspects of C-EMR…
Training in interventional endoscopy is offered by interventional endoscopy fellowship programs (IEFPs) not accredited by the ACGME. The number of these programs has increased exponentially with a concurrent increase in the breadth and complexity of these procedures…
Germline genetic testing is recommended for younger patients with idiopathic pancreatitis, but there is no consensus recommendation for those over age 35. We aimed to analyze the results of genetic testing for pancreatic genetic mutations using a large dataset including all ages…
BACKGROUND: Sphincter of Oddi Disorders (SOD) describes a contentious and heterogeneous diagnosis in patients whose abdominal pain, idiopathic acute pancreatitis (AP), or both may derive from a spastic or stenotic sphincter…