Management of patients with margin negative, T1-T3, N0 (stage IB–IIIA), resected gallbladder cancer (GBC) remains poorly defined. Current guidelines consider observation, chemotherapy (CT), and chemoradiation (CRT) as options…
We present the case of a 67-year-old woman who had two IPMN in the pancreas body (4 and 2 cm) and underwent robotic distal pancreatectomy with spleen preservation…
Minimally invasive resection for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma is an emerging technique in HPB surgery which requires both liver resection and biliary reconstruction. Description of this method is very limited…
Minimally invasive resection for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma is an emerging technique in HPB surgery which requires both liver resection and biliary reconstruction. Description of this method is very limited…
Minimally invasive resection for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma is an emerging technique in HPB surgery which requires both liver resection and biliary reconstruction. Description of this method is very limited…