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May 19, 2024
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Right anterior sectionectomy (RAS) is an expert-level hepatectomy, especially when undertaken via a minimally invasive approach. Underlying liver diseases often mandate a parenchymal sparing liver resection technique to avoid postoperative hepatic failure. In modern literature, technical description of this operation is limited. We describe our technique for an extended RAS in a 64-year-old man with HCC in segment 5/8 liver dome bordering into segment 4A, with history of treated hepatitis C infection (Child A). The operation was uneventful with 50cc of blood loss. Final pathology confirmed bifocal 6.8cm and 0.8cm HCC with vascular invasion. Therefore, Robotic extended RAS is safe & feasible.
Transcholedochal laparoscopic bile duct exploration is a challenging procedure. Advanced cirrhosis with portal hypertension is associated with unique set of challenges not limited to increased risk of bleeding and fragile liver…
Anatomical variations in the inflow vasculatures must be anticipated in any anatomical hepatectomy to avoid complications. Nakamura Type B portal vein (PV) anatomy requires individual isolation of right anterior and posterior PV to avoid narrowing of the left PV…
Intraductal papillary cholangiocarcinoma is characterized by papillary projections within the biliary lumen and this has favorable prognosis when compared to mass-forming or periductal infiltrative type. R-0 surgical resection is the standard curative treatment…